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What is Transitional Design?

Transitional design is the middle ground between traditional and modern. It’s a balance of the sleek, stream-lined design associated with contemporary style and the warmth and timelessness appreciated in traditional design.

‘Copper Corner’, a custom home featured on our website, is a prime example of transitional design. It’s a marriage of clean lines with natural stone; large expanses of glass with leaded copper details; and sophistication with warmth.

Click here to view more images of ‘Copper Corner’

Another example of transitional design is ‘Vertically Challenged’, a project we designed in the late 90s. The exterior has traditional massing, but the clean lines, neutral colour scheme and lack of ornate detail conveys a modern appeal. The front façade even features a contemporary play on the traditional gable.

Often transitional design is associated with interior design and décor, and not with an architectural style. But in fact, a transitional exterior can be the optimal option for homeowners attracted to modern design, but not ready to stray too far from the comfort of traditional.

Copper Corner (Front)

Copper Corner (Rear)

Vertically Challenged (Front)

Vertically Challenged (Rear)